PostgreSQL vs MySQL and MySQL vs Postgresql performance 2016
Postgresql Vs Mysql Performance 2016 comparison and also Mysql Vs
Postgresql Performance 2016 with latest updated information you can get
here. First of all we should know what are Postgresql and Mysql. This
PostgreSQL is simply called as Postgres. This is the object relational
database management system in shortly, it is called as ORDBMS.
This is very important on extensibility as well as standards
observance. As it is the data base server, its primary function to store
the data very securely and supporting all the best practices. It will
allow the retrieval of the data at the client requests of other software
It can handle all the workloads ranging from this single machine
application to the large internet facing applications with many of the
concurrent users. It includes all the majority of the SQL in 2011
standard. It is the ACID- complaint as well as transactional, which
includes most of the DDL commands.

It also avoids the locking issues using the multi version concurrency control (that is called as MVCC). It also provides more protection and full serializability. It handles all the complex SQL queries using many of the indexing methods which are not available in the other databases. It has all the updatable views as well as materialized views, triggers, supports some functions and also stored procedures. It also supports migration by its extensive standard SQL support and is available with the migration tools.




It also avoids the locking issues using the multi version concurrency control (that is called as MVCC). It also provides more protection and full serializability. It handles all the complex SQL queries using many of the indexing methods which are not available in the other databases. It has all the updatable views as well as materialized views, triggers, supports some functions and also stored procedures. It also supports migration by its extensive standard SQL support and is available with the migration tools.
MySQL is unofficially called as “My Sequel”. It is the open source
software that is relational database management system which is shortly
called as RDBMS. In the year 2013, this was the world’s second most
widely used RDBMS.
This is most widely used as the open source client server model
RDBMS. It is named after the co-founder of Michael Widenius’s daughter.
This is the Structured Query Language in shortly called as SQL. The
development of this project has made its source code very easy and is
available under the terms of the GNU that is called as General Public
License and also under the variety of proprietary agreements. MySQL was
owned as well as sponsored by a single person that is for profit firm
only, the Swedish company MySQL AB.
This is now owned by Oracle Corporation. MySQL is the most popular
choice of the database for use of the web applications. It is the most
central component of the widely used LAMP open source web application
software stack. LAMP is the short form for Linux.
The applications that are used by the MySQL databases which includes
the TYPO3, Joomla, MODx, WordPress, phpBB, Drupal, MyBB and other
softwares. This is also used in many of the high profile as well as
large scale websites that include Google, Facebook, Twitter and Flick
etc. Let me show more about mysql to postgresql and mysql postgresql
Postgresql Vs Mysql
PostgreSQL vs MySQL is the decision of many people those are approaching the open source relational database management systems. These both are the time verified solutions in which it competes very strongly with the proprietary database software. MySQL has long that has been assumed to be the faster one but very less full-featured of this two database systems.
This PostgreSQL is assumed to be a more thickly featured database
system that is often been described as the open source version of
Oracle. MySQL has been very popular when compared to various software
This is because of its speed as well as ease of use while this
PostgreSQL has a very close following from the developers, the people
those who come from an Oracle or else SQL Server background.
Postgresql Vs Mysql Similarities
Here is only the reasonable basis of comparison between the MySQL as well as PostgreSQL. It is that these both are open source database projects. The similarity is very small between them. MySQL is most distributed under the restrictive “Copyleft” license that is effectively forced to the proprietary software seller to either open source of their application.
In contrast to this PostgreSQL is distributed under the most tolerant
terms which are very practical. There is no single or else controlling
the commercial unit. The projects are licensed in the terms that are so
liberal. It is permitted to create the proprietary profitable copied
that is without paying any royalties. As this has already happened, for
example, there is one of the cases of EMC’s data warehousing solution
that is Greenplum.
Differences in Postgresql Vs Mysql
In almost all of the records, these projects have radically different outlooks and the each is informed by a completely different set of concern. As traditionally, this PostgreSQL has very much focused on the reliability, data integrity as well as integrated developer that is mainly focused on all the features.
It has very extremely complicated query planner in which it is
capable of joining the relatively large numbers of tables in an
efficient manner. On the other hand, MySQL has traditionally focused on
the read- mostly web applications that are usually written in PHP.
The principal concern is with optimizing of all the simple queries.
Considerably, both of these projects have improved a lot and the
comparison between these both is very difficult to make it also. The
Technical foundations and the mindset of developer those are informed to
continue to be a pervasive influence on this both projects.
Advantages of this PostgreSQL
An open source SQL standard compliant RDBMS, PostgreSQL is the open source as well as free. This is the powerful relational database management system (RDBMS). It has strong community that is supported by a devoted as well as experienced community that can be accessed with the knowledge of the bases and also Q&A sites.
The support of Strong third party, this is the extremely advanced
feature. Basically, this is with many of the great as well as open
source third party tools. This tolls are used for designing, managing
and also for the management system. It is very Extensible, this is to
extend the programmatically that is with stored procedures.
This is like the advanced RDBMS. The Objective of this is, it is not
just a relational database management system but also an objective one
that is with the support for nesting and more as well.
Disadvantages of PostgreSQL
The Performance of this is very simple and read heavy operations. This can be an over kill and also might be appeared in less performing than the other counterparts such as MySQL. The Popularity is given to the nature of this tool.
It also lacks behind in the terms of popularity and also very large
amount of deployments. The hosting is also a disadvantage that is very
harder to come by the hosts or else service providers. These offers are
managed by these instances only.
When to Use
Data integrity
When the reliability and also data integrity are at the absolute necessity without any excuses then PostgreSQL is the better choice to use.
Complex and Custom Procedures
If you require that your database must perform the custom procedures then PostgreSQL is being extensible and it is the better choice to use.
PostgreSQL will be the most important compliant and is very easy to handle base for the switch.
Complex designs
When compared to the open source as well as free RDBMS implementations for the complex database designs. This PostgreSQL offers the most in terms of functionality and also possibilities without giving up on the other valuable resources.
It is very easy to work with Mysql and also easy to install as well. The Third party tools which include the visual ones like GUI (Graphical User Interface) will make it extremely simple to get started with the database. It has the feature advantage that supports a lot of the SQL functionality which is expected from the RDBMS either in the direct way or indirect way.
When to Use
Data integrity
When the reliability and also data integrity are at the absolute necessity without any excuses then PostgreSQL is the better choice to use.
Complex and Custom Procedures
If you require that your database must perform the custom procedures then PostgreSQL is being extensible and it is the better choice to use.
PostgreSQL will be the most important compliant and is very easy to handle base for the switch.
Complex designs
When compared to the open source as well as free RDBMS implementations for the complex database designs. This PostgreSQL offers the most in terms of functionality and also possibilities without giving up on the other valuable resources.
Mysql Vs Postgresql
The advantages of MySQLIt is very easy to work with Mysql and also easy to install as well. The Third party tools which include the visual ones like GUI (Graphical User Interface) will make it extremely simple to get started with the database. It has the feature advantage that supports a lot of the SQL functionality which is expected from the RDBMS either in the direct way or indirect way.
It is very secure; a lot of security features are built in this
Mysql. It is very scalable and also very powerful. It can handle a lot
of data and also the can be used “at scale”, if needed. It gives up some
standards in which it allows MySql to work very efficiently and also
the cut corners.
Reliability issues
Certainly the functionality gets handled with MySQL (for example like references, transactions, auditing etc.).
Stagnated Development
This is still very technical on the open source product. There are some complaints regarding the development process since its achievement. However, it should be noted that there are some MySQL-based or else fully integrated databases in which that add a value on the top of the standard MySQL installations.
When To Use MySQL
Distributed Operations
When you need more than what this Postgresql can offer, in that time including this MySql to the deployment of the stack. It is just like stand alone database server. It brings a lot of operational freedom that is together with some advanced features.
Disadvantages of MySQL
By the design itself, MySQL do not any propose to do everything and it comes with some functional limitations as well. Some State of the art applications may be required.Reliability issues
Certainly the functionality gets handled with MySQL (for example like references, transactions, auditing etc.).
Stagnated Development
This is still very technical on the open source product. There are some complaints regarding the development process since its achievement. However, it should be noted that there are some MySQL-based or else fully integrated databases in which that add a value on the top of the standard MySQL installations.
When To Use MySQL
Distributed Operations
When you need more than what this Postgresql can offer, in that time including this MySql to the deployment of the stack. It is just like stand alone database server. It brings a lot of operational freedom that is together with some advanced features.
It provides High security features that are most dependable
protection for data-access and it used in a simple way. It is to its
rich configuration settings and also operation modes.
Mysql to Postgresql
First you have to check the server running and then follow the below commands to change Mysql to –
su – postgres
createdb test
psql test
=# create user username password ‘ password ‘;
— To change a password:
=# alter role username password ‘ password ‘;
=# create database databasename with encoding ‘utf8’;
=# grant all privileges on database databasename to username;
=# l
=# c databasename
=# q
Be SURE to cover this security issue that is with iptables
/etc/init.d/postgresql reloads or /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/pg_ctl reload
Postmaster successfully signaled
psql -h server -d databasename -U username
Then you must covert and import and this is the common way with SQL dump. Dump your tables with below commands
mysqldump -u username -p –compatible=postgresql databasename > outputfile.sql or else you can dump with the following lines.
SET standard_conforming_strings = ‘off’;
SET backslash_quote = ‘on’;
After converting the tables then you can use them in the same way that were used in Mysql
psql -h server -d databasename -U username -f data.sql
Mysql Postgresql
MySQL PostgreSQL is the decision for most of the users in which it must make the approaching of this open source relational database management systems.
Both are this are time proven solutions that are strongly with some
proprietary database software. MySQL will run faster when compared to
the other. And most of the people use this only. PostgreSQL was assumed
to be more tightly featured database system that are often described as
an open source that is version of Oracle.
MySQL is very popular among all the various software projects. This
is because of its speed and also it is very easy to use. MySQL has come
in a very long way in adding all the advanced functionality while the
other is with dramatically improved its speed and also within the last
few major releases.
Many of the people are very ignorant of the convergence and they
still hold on to stereotypes that are based on MySQL 4.1 and this
PostgreSQL 7.4. The current versions are 5.7 for MySQL and 9.4 for
>> Due to some Performance reasons
>> Stableness
>> Reliability
>> GIS
>> Replication issues
>> Cluster issues
>> High Availability issues
>> Localization or else globalization issues
>> In need of object relational features
>> Sick of bugs or errors
>> Costs for license (dual license or else GPL)
>> License (BSD instead of GPL)
PostgreSQL is the unified database server in which it is with single storage engine. This MySQL has two layers that are an upper SQL layer and also a set of storage engines. While MySQL 5.6 supports 9 storage engines in which the most popular choices are InnoDB, MyISAM and also NDB Cluster.
Migrate Mysql to Postgresql
Always these migrations are very horrible. This migration does not matter from which system to which system. There are many different reasons why the user wants to migrate. Mostly there are many migrations from MySQL to PostgreSQL. Below are following reasons for this migration.>> Due to some Performance reasons
>> Stableness
>> Reliability
>> GIS
>> Replication issues
>> Cluster issues
>> High Availability issues
>> Localization or else globalization issues
>> In need of object relational features
>> Sick of bugs or errors
>> Costs for license (dual license or else GPL)
>> License (BSD instead of GPL)
PostgreSQL is the unified database server in which it is with single storage engine. This MySQL has two layers that are an upper SQL layer and also a set of storage engines. While MySQL 5.6 supports 9 storage engines in which the most popular choices are InnoDB, MyISAM and also NDB Cluster.
Storage engines are different in the both functionality and also
the performance characteristics. So, it is very important to clarify
which is being used in any of the comparisons. When coming to
performance, this Database system can be optimized according to the
environment that they run in. Thus, it is very difficult to give an
accurate or correct comparison in the performance that is without paying
the attention to configuration and even environment. These both of them
employ the various technologies to improve all the performance.
MySQL has begun in the development with a focus on speed and coming
to PostgreSQL it has began with the development on the focus of features
as well as standards.
Thus, in which Mysql has recorded very faster of the two. This both
DBMS’s will do better in the benchmarks that are related to their
original strengths that is MySQL is very fast in simple operations and
PostgreSQL is more reliable as well as faster in the complex operations.
Thus, this is completely about the Mysql and Postgresql.
(Source: )
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